โดย Reseller-webmaster | พ.ค. 4, 2023 | Chatbots News
Even the most basic chatbots can help to resolve frequently asked questions. With the right training, they can pick up on relevant keywords and point customers to the answers they need. This saves customers from waiting to talk to a human assistant, and it saves...
โดย Reseller-webmaster | เม.ย. 21, 2023 | Chatbots News
Additional analysis is especially useful when a domain specialist feels unsure about a particular image segmentation result. This neural network model is flexible, adjustable, and provides better performance when compared to similar solutions. However, Mask R-CNN...
โดย Reseller-webmaster | มี.ค. 28, 2023 | Chatbots News
If you would like to create a voice chatbot, it is better to use the Twilio platform as a base channel. On the other hand, when creating text chatbots, Telegram, Viber, or Hangouts are the right channels to work with. Today, ChatGPT (or other LLMs in general) are not...
โดย Reseller-webmaster | ม.ค. 24, 2023 | Chatbots News
Semantics and pragmatics both look at meaning, however, pragmatics is more focussed on meaning in context. 1 – From a pragmatics perspective, the phrase “hungry as a horse” just means “really hungry”. Pragmatics recognizes how important...
โดย Reseller-webmaster | ส.ค. 10, 2022 | Chatbots News
You can change the name to your preference, but make sure .py is appended. Do note that you can’t copy or view the entire API key later on. So it’s strongly recommended to copy and paste the API key to a Notepad file immediately. This process will show you some tools...